Hey Everyone ! Broadcast for Joomla & JomSocial is finally here ! Its been a really long wait & we have gone through multiple iterations in the development of this extension to get you a stable & extendible Social Integration platform.
Today no one can deny the role of the major Social networks like Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn as Promotion & interaction media.
If you are running a website, be it a small business website, a news portal or a Social network, you will know how the SlashDot Effect can help catapult your site to fame & fortune.
How Broadcast can help you Piggyback on the Masters.
Its an undeniable fact today, that the maximum time people spend online is on the big 3 Social Networtks. Broadcast will help you integrate your Joomla & JomSocial websites tightly into Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn.
Read on to know more about Broadcast & how you can get your site Socialized with it