We have released minor update to Invitex - version 2.7.1 . Here is a detailed changelog.
Invitex 2.7.1 Changelog
- Compatible with Joomla! 2.5.x & 3.0.x
Bugs Fixed-
- 17477 Fatal error "Can not redeclare function 'Akeebabootstaploader' "
- 17260 Twitter API just keep loading after authorisation if there are a lot of contacts
- 17334 Fatal error Call undefined Method JLog::getInstance() helper.php line 488.
- 17538 The script generated on Namecard view,does not work
- 17539 Fatal error on Namecard view
- 17705 Invitation sent using FB request to join an event or grop or article, always show "Invitation to join the site"
- 17924 Invitation types does not get installed while installing Invitex
- 18299 Error is shown with successfull installation "JInstaller: :Install: File does not exist public_html/tmp/install_518cfcc213d13/site/language/de-DE/de-DE.com_invitex.ini"